Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I Find No Fault in Him

Thursday, April 2, approximately 12:30 am - After sharing the Passover meal on Thursday  evening, Jesus and his followers went to Gethsemane, a rocky area on the Mount of Olives where there was a small garden of olive trees. The group had gone there often. This night, Jesus went there to pray. It was the middle of the night on Thursday night. Judas, one of Jesus followers, appeared in the grove with some of the leaders of the Jewish ruling council and a detachment of soldiers. Jesus is accused of blasphemy and subversion and then arrested.

Trial 1 - At about 1:00 am, Friday morning – Jesus is taken to Annas, the former high priest of the Sanhedrin, the ruling council of the Jews in Jerusalem. Annas had been removed from his office by the Roman procurator, Valerius Gratus, but still had great influence in the Sanhedrin.

Trial 2 – Between 3 and 5 am - Next Jesus is taken the home of Caiaphas, the son in law of Annas, and also a high priest. Some of the members of Sanhedrin gather there to hear the accusations of blasphemy claiming to be the Messiah. Jesus is held at Caiaphas’ house.

Trial 3 – 5 am - Jesus stands before the entire seventy one members of the Sanhedrin. The Council decides to send Jesus to the Roman leaders to be tried for blasphemy and subversion.

Trial 4 – Sometime between 6 and 7 am - Jesus stands before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. Jesus is questioned. Pilate’s response to the claims:
“I find no fault in him.”

Trial 5 – 7:30 am - Pilate discovers that Jesus is from Galilee, an area under the rule of Herod Antipas, who had been appointed to office by Caesar Augustus. Jesus is sent to Herod. Jesus does not respond to any of the accusations made against him. Herod and his soldiers ridiculed Jesus, dressed him in an elegant robe, mocking the claims that he was king of the Jews, then sent him back to Pilate.

Trial 6 – 8:30 am, Friday morning - Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition in an effort to satisfy the Jewish leaders. The Jews still demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus

Within 7 hours, Jesus is dragged back and forth between the religious and political leaders of Jerusalem for 6 hearings. Pontius Pilate’s judgment: “I find no fault I him.” But the Jewish leaders insisted Jesus was guilty of blasphemy and subversion. In order to placate them, Pilate ordered Jesus beaten nearly to death, and finally, that he be put to death.

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