Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advent - December 11, 2010 - Aurora Borealis

December - the Advent season

The days before Christmas are so quietly beautiful. People expect a lot at this time of year. The "perfect" gift (whatever that is). A beautifully decorated home. A Norman Rockwell Christmas day with the family. Actually, the Christmas season is like life. It's the little things. A surprise Christmas card with pictures and news about a dear friend you lost touch with. An amaryllis starting to bloom. A grandchild re-discovering the Christmas star frame with his photo from first grade, a gift made for his mom and dad.  An adorable clothespin reindeer made by another grandchild. A dear friend coming home after months of world-wide travel  and bringing an ingenious, hand made wooden Pinocchio Christmas decoration from Italy. Treasured Christmas recipes written in the familiar hand of the grandmothers who so lovingly made them and recorded them for their family.

When I was a teen-ager, my parents gave me a heart-shaped aurora borealis necklace for Christmas one year. I was fascinated with the discovery that the stone changed colors - beautiful blue, pink, yellow and turquoise pastel facets, as I turned it and held it to the light. Thinking of the necklace reminds me of Christmas. Each new day, each turn of events, each re-opening of a box with old treasures presents a new reflection of the season. The reflection of the Light of the world. Jesus.

A favorite prayer from Peter Marshall at Christmas:

We thank you, God, for the return of the wondrous spell of the Christmas season
that brings its own sweet joy into our hearts.
As our hearts yield to the spirit of Christmas,
help us discover that it is Your Holy Spirit who comes -
not a sentiment, but a power -
to remind us of the only way by which there may be peace on earth
and good will among men.

Help us not to spend Christmas, but keep it, that we may be kept in its hope,
through Him who emptied Himself in coming to us,
that we might be filled with peace and joy in returning to God.

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