Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent - Luke 2: The Christmas Story

Ford Home, May, 2013
Thanksgiving, 2014
October, 2015

We have six children, three daughters in love, one son in love, eleven and  grandchildren. All of our children but one son and his family who live in Chesapeake, VA - and three granddaughters who live out of the area, will be home for Christmas. When people ask about our children and we tell them Luke, Amber and Isabel will not be here, the usual response is: "But you'll have five of your kids and their families home for Christmas!" That's true. And we're thankful for that, but it will not cause us to miss that one son and his family and our three granddaughters any less. I guess our situation is just a "Microsoft Picture Editor reduced image" of how our Father feels about his children. If there is even one missing . . .

Thirty years ago, in preparation for the Christmas season, we helped each of our six children memorize Luke 2:1-16, the Christmas story. I was re-organizing all the Bibles in our house (aren't we rich to have so many Bibles???) and came across the scripture marked in an old Thompson Chain Reference Bible that Larry wore out.

I specifically remember the year the children memorized the scripture passage. Luke, our youngest, was two years old. Jonathan, the oldest was eight. 

Our prayer this year is that those words come back into their heads, and hearts; that the long-buried treasure will be re-discovered ~ the Word ~ Who was made flesh ~ and dwelt among us will dwell in their hearts and minds.

Dwell among us this year, Lord. 

“Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto us a child is born... Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will toward men.” Luke 2:10,14

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