Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent - Thursday, December 16

One of the most amazing names of the Lord is: Emmanuel. God with us. The Creator of the Universe working in us and through us ~ walking with us. When I pray for our children - I often pray, "Lord, let them feel Your Presence. Let them feel Your shoulder bumping up against them as You walk beside them. Let them feel Your breath on their face . . ."

Sometimes it's really hard to sense the Lord's Presence. We live in such a busy, fast, noisy world. As we all struggle through difficult, confusing and sometimes painful circumstances, we advise our children:  "Listen for direction from the Lord. In all your plans, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Seek Him first and all the things you really need for your life will be provided . . . " Sounds good but when you're "listening" for the Lord, what does His voice sound like?

Recently we re-read portions of Henry Blackaby's, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God. In his classic work, Dr. Blackaby suggests a number of ways in which we can "hear" God speak to us:

*The Holy Spirit   Times when I sense that God is giving me direction to do something.
*His Word A verse or series of words either leaps off the pages of the Bible, seems different, or more clear than when I've read it before;  or just continues to run through my mind;
*Prayer I am trying very hard to become better at listening prayer. In order to be a conversation a dialogue it must be two-way;
*Circumstances At times it is difficult to recognize that God has placed me in a set
of circumstances as a blessing, and to remember that He is always faithful;
*The Church A sermon speaks to me so directly that it is obvious the speaker
was inside my head while preparing! Another member of the body hears a word for me or hears the same word I have heard. When several of these ways of hearing God line up and confirm each other, then I know it is God speaking.

The more often we talk and I listen, the more easily I recognize His voice. After His resurrection, Jesus said one word to Mary Magdalene. He spoke her name. Immediately Mary knew it was Jesus.

Lord, help me to hear You when You speak my name.

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